Workshop at NIPS
Together with Allie Fletcher (UCLA), Eva Dyer and Konrad Koerding (Northwestern), Jascha Sohl-Dickstein (Google Research) and Joshua Vogelstein (John Hopkins), Jakob is organising a two-day workshop on Brains and Bits: Neuroscience Meets Machine Learning at NIPS 2016. It’s all happening on Friday-Saturday, December 9th-10th, 2016, in Barcelona. We have an exciting line-up of speakers from machine learning, computational neuroscience and computer-science:
- Yoshua Bengio, Université de Montréal
- Adrienne Fairhall, University of Washington
- Demis Hassabis, Google DeepMind
- Christos Papadimitriou,UC Berkeley
- Terry Sejnowski, Salk Institute, UCSD
- Anima Anandkumar, UC Irvine
- Mitya Chklovskii, Simons Foundation
- David Cox, Harvard
- Sophie Denève, ENS
- Emily Fox, University of Washington
- Surya Ganguli, Stanford
- Fred Hamprecht, Heidelberg
- Jonathan Pillow, Princeton
- Maneesh Sahani, Gatsby Unit, University College London
Deadline for submissions is 29/09/2016– we will have both posters and contributed talks!
More instructions and information on the workshop website.