
Open positions

Open positions are advertised here and on twitter.

Please send all inquiries to, and reference specific postings below for necessary information to include in the email header.

Postdoc positions to work at the intersection of Machine Learning and Computational Neuroscience

Funded by the ERC Consolidator Grant “DeepCoMechTome: Using deep learning to understand computations in neural circuits with Connectome-constrained Mechanistic Models” (relevant work). The goal of DeepCoMechTome is to develop simulation-based machine learning tools that will make it possible to build neural network models that are both biologically realistic and computationally powerful. In addition to making central contributions to this interdisciplinary project, the positions will offer opportunities and support for developing your own research profile and career.

If you are interested, feel free to contact us for more details!

Applications will be scanned on a rolling basis and the positions will be filled as soon as possible. For more details, please see the full description.

PhD Students & Postdocs

We recruit PhD students through the IMPRS Intelligent Systems and the IMPRS Mechanisms of Mental Function and Dysfunction (deadline in Novemmber).

We are sometimes able to accept postdocs (or students outside of the IMPRS application cycles), even when we do not have positions advertised. If you are interested in working with us, please send an inquiry to, with subject “Inquiry: research position at MLS Tübingen”. Please include a CV and a brief description of research interests and why you would want to work with us. However, please understand that we are not able to respond to the majority of inquiries, especially for unadvertised positions.

B.Sc., M.Sc. theses, student jobs.

If you are a student at the University of Tübingen in a degree program at the department for Computer Science or the Graduate Training Center Neuroscience, and are interested in working with us (e.g. for a masters or bachelor thesis, research internship, essay rotation or as an SHK/Hiwi), please send an inquiry to, with subject “Inquiry: [one of: B.Sc. thesis/M.Sc. thesis/SHK/internship/etc] at MLS Tübingen”.

Please in your email also include:

  • i) a brief statement of what research you want to do and why you want to join our group, ideally in English (refer to the Research page for a description of research areas),
  • ii) current CV including a description of previous research/work experiences,
  • iii) a transcript of all previous courses and grades, and
  • iv) information about desired starting-dates (for planning purposes).

If you are specifically interested in or have worked with someone in the group on a project, you can indicate this as well.

To streamline our application process and to make it more predictable for everybody involved we have six application deadlines during the year (15.1., 15.3., 15.5., 15.7., 15.9., 15.11.). While you can submit your application at any time, we will only make decisions and respond to your inquiry shortly after these dates.

Currently open projects and contact persons will be listed below.

We rarely have capacity to offer internships for external students, and are typically unable to respond to inquiries.

Open thesis and internship projects

– currently none advertised, please enquire —


Inquires should be directed directly to